Formatted Version of VHDL Code

This page contains some Badly Formatted VHDL code, and its VHDL Formatted version. The output was produced by our VHDL Formatter.

Badly Formatted VHDL Code

This code is a standard multiplier example. We have purposely disorganized the text layout to show what might happen after extremely harried engineers work on it in succession with their own editors, sytles, and different tab settings. This result would not be easy to work with.

 USE work
.multiplier_types .all;USE
 .bv_arithmetic.all;USE std.textio.all;

ENTITY multiplier IS
 PORT ( clk : in bit; load : in bit; multiplicand : in word; multiply_by : in word;
 ready : out bit; product_low
 : inout word; product_high :
 inout word ); END
 multiplier;  ARCHITECTURE mixed

 OF multiplier IS  COMPONENT reg_1 PORT ( clk : in bit
; load : in bit; d
 : in bit; q : out bit ); END COMPONENT

;  COMPONENT shift_reg_word PORT ( clk : in bit;
 load : in bit; shift : in bit; clr : in bit;
 d : in word; d_s : in
 bit; q : out
 word; q_s : out bit ); END COMPONENT; COMPONENT reg_word PORT ( clk : in bit;
 load : in bit; d : in word; q : out word); END COMPONENT;
 COMPONENT adder PORT ( a : in word; b : in word;

 c_in					    : in bit;
						 s : out word;
 c_out : out bit); END COMPONENT;

 COMPONENT and_word PORT ( a : in bit; b : in word; z : out word); END COMPONENT;

 SIGNAL b : word; SIGNAL
      b_or_0 : word;
           SIGNAL partial_product
              : word; SIGNAL
                   c_in : bit; SIGNAL c_out
                       : bit; SIGNAL c_to_p : bit;  SIGNAL p_to_a
                   : bit; SIGNAL p_and_c_load : bit; SIGNAL shift :
 bit; SIGNAL tied_0 : bit := '0'; ALIAS a_0 : bit IS product_low(0);

BEGIN -- mixed
 a_reg : shift_reg_word port map ( clk => clk, load => load,
 shift => shift, clr => tied_0, d => multiplicand, d_s => p_to_a,
 q => product_low, q_s => open ); b_reg : reg_word

 port map ( clk => clk, load => load,

 d => multiply_by, q => b );

 p_reg : shift_reg_word port map ( clk => clk, load
 => p_and_c_load, shift =>
     shift,  clr
         => load, d =>
                d_s => c_in, q => product_high
                 ,  q_s => p_to_a ); carry_reg : reg_1

                  port map (clk => clk, load
               => p_and_c_load,
            d =>
       c_out, q => c_in );

 b_gate : and_word port map ( a => a_0, b => b,
 z => b_or_0 ); the_adder : adder port map ( a => product_high,
 b => b_or_0, c_in => c_in, s => partial_product, c_out => c_out );

                     -- Process: controller
            -- Purpose: sequences register loading and shifting
                            -- Inputs: clk, load
                                            -- Outputs: p_and_c_load, shift, ready
 controller : PROCESS CONSTANT Tpd_clk_load : Time := 5 ns; CONSTANT Tpd_clk_shift : Time := 5 ns;
 CONSTANT Tpd_clk_ready : Time := 5 ns; BEGIN -- PROCESS controller
 p_and_c_load <= '0' after Tpd_Clk_Load; shift <= '0'
     after Tpd_clk_shift; ready <= '1' after
          Tpd_clk_ready; WAIT
      on clk until clk = '1'

 and load = '1'; ready <= '0' after Tpd_clk_ready; FOR cycle IN 1 to word_size LOOP
 p_and_c_load <= '1' after Tpd_clk_load; WAIT until clk = '1';
                p_and_c_load <= '0' after Tpd_clk_load;
         shift <= '1' after Tpd_clk_shift;
                        WAIT until clk = '1';
                shift <= '0' after Tpd_clk_shift; END
           LOOP; -- cycle
    ready <= '1' after Tpd_clk_ready; END PROCESS controller; END mixed;

VHDL Formatted Version

This is the result of using SD's VHDLFormatter tool on the sample badly formatted VHDL, using just the default settings. You can see that the formatter has chosen very different line breaks, based on the language structure. The block structure is now clearly visible. An engineer might actually be able to work on this version.

use work.multiplier_types.all;
use work.bv_arithmetic.all;
use std.textio.all;
entity multiplier is
  port (clk: in bit;
        load: in bit;
        multiplicand: in word;
        multiply_by: in word;
        ready: out bit;
        product_low: inout word;
        product_high: inout word);
end multiplier;
architecture mixed of multiplier is
  component reg_1
    port (clk: in bit;
          load: in bit;
          d: in bit;
          q: out bit);
  end component;
  component shift_reg_word
    port (clk: in bit;
          load: in bit;
          shift: in bit;
          clr: in bit;
          d: in word;
          d_s: in bit;
          q: out word;
          q_s: out bit);
  end component;
  component reg_word
    port (clk: in bit;
          load: in bit;
          d: in word;
          q: out word);
  end component;
  component adder
    port (a: in word;
          b: in word;
          c_in: in bit;
          s: out word;
          c_out: out bit);
  end component;
  component and_word
    port (a: in bit;
          b: in word;
          z: out word);
  end component;
  signal b: word;
  signal b_or_0: word;
  signal partial_product: word;
  signal c_in: bit;
  signal c_out: bit;
  signal c_to_p: bit;
  signal p_to_a: bit;
  signal p_and_c_load: bit;
  signal shift: bit;
  signal tied_0: bit := '0';
  alias a_0: bit is product_low(0);
begin --  mixed
  a_reg: shift_reg_word
    port map (clk => clk,
              load => load,
              shift => shift,
              clr => tied_0,
              d => multiplicand,
              d_s => p_to_a,
              q => product_low,
              q_s => open );
  b_reg: reg_word
    port map (clk => clk,
              load => load,
              d => multiply_by,
              q => b);
  p_reg: shift_reg_word
    port map (clk => clk,
              load => p_and_c_load,
              shift => shift,
              clr => load,
              d => partial_product,
              d_s => c_in,
              q => product_high,
              q_s => p_to_a);
  carry_reg: reg_1
    port map (clk => clk,
              load => p_and_c_load,
              d => c_out,
              q => c_in);
  b_gate: and_word
    port map (a => a_0,
              b => b,
              z => b_or_0);
  the_adder: adder
    port map (a => product_high,
              b => b_or_0,
              c_in => c_in,
              s => partial_product,
              c_out => c_out);
  --  Process:   controller
  --  Purpose:  sequences register loading and shifting
  --  Inputs:   clk, load
  --  Outputs:  p_and_c_load, shift, ready
  process is
    constant Tpd_clk_load: Time := 5 ns;
    constant Tpd_clk_shift: Time := 5 ns;
    constant Tpd_clk_ready: Time := 5 ns;
  begin --  PROCESS controller
    p_and_c_load <= '0' after Tpd_Clk_Load;
    shift <= '0' after Tpd_clk_shift;
    ready <= '1' after Tpd_clk_ready;
    wait on clk until clk = '1' and load = '1';
    ready <= '0' after Tpd_clk_ready;
    for cycle in 1 to word_size
      p_and_c_load <= '1' after Tpd_clk_load;
      wait until clk = '1';
      p_and_c_load <= '0' after Tpd_clk_load;
      shift <= '1' after Tpd_clk_shift;
      wait until clk = '1';
      shift <= '0' after Tpd_clk_shift;
    end loop; --  cycle
    ready <= '1' after Tpd_clk_ready;
  end process controller;
end mixed;
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VHDL Formatter