C Test Coverage Tool
The C Test Coverage tool enables the collection and display of code coverage data on C software source code bases of arbitrary size. It is a member of SD's family of Test Coverage tools.
C Test Coverage Features
- Available for ANSI C 89, C99, GCC3/4 (with C99 extensions), Microsoft VisualC6 and MS Visual Studio 2005, Oracle Pro*C
- Not dependent on compiler or specific object format
- Works with arbitrary subsets of source code base
- Can accumulate data from multiple test runs
- Handles
tens of thousands of files - Extremely low probe overhead both in time and space; bit vector version for embedded systems
- Operations to combine Test Coverage data for unions, deltas, intersections
- Produces coverage report by application, package and file
- Test coverage collection can run on platform separate from Test Coverage tool
- User-customizable probe implementation/coverage data extraction enables operation with unusual embedded systems
The C Test Coverage tool has an intuitively simply display. It shows
- Possible test coverage vector (TCV) result files
- Selected/accumulated/computed TCV files
- List of files being tested for coverage
- Locations of probe points in files
- Browsable source text of file of current interest
- Covered/uncovered status of each probe point on file source text
- Summary statistics for percentage covered

Here's a screenshot (in a popup window) of the C Test Coverage display. If you have popups disabled, try this link: screen shot. Green ("go") code has been covered/executed by some test; red ("stop") code has not been executed by any test.
Thumbs up to Test Coverage tool
"LSI has integrated Semantic Designs' Test Coverage tool into its special firmware build to measure effectiveness of its internal testing. Fantastic support from Sematic Designs and the simplicity of the tool ensured we were able to integrate the tool in our process in just couple of days. Great thing about this tool is, IT JUST WORKS as expected and as advertised. We are already seeing measurable benefits of using the tool. Today, we have quantifiable data to assess our testing methodologies and track the improvements."
--Abhijeet Aphale, Lead Engineer, LSI Corporation
Have a nonstandard dialect of C or a custom C compiler? Semantic Designs can economically configure a test coverage tool for it.
Semantic Designs also offers C Profiler Tools